Saturday, February 12, 2011

And it only took me 10 months to make a new post...

Honestly, I do alot more posting over on my LiveJournal, but unfortunately Blogger does not offer the ability to have your posts from one journal automatically post to another, like a lot of other journal/blog sites do.

Therefore, I have come up with the only solution to the problem, because I still have people who only know this blog, and then there's others who only know my LJ.

To the right I've added a RSS feed that comes from my LiveJournal. It displays the top five most recent posts and each link opens in a new tab. Not exactly what I was looking for, but it works.

So, while I might not post here alot, I have offered ways to get to where I do, by the RSS feed, and my list of links. Have fun getting to know the Odd Bird, Good Duck!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Character in Me? or Me in the Character

This seemed fun, and its always interesting to find out what characters other people see in you.

Everyone has a character they feel connected to, whether it be in a book, movie, show or video game. But how do others perceive you? Have your f-list people tell you a character they see you as, and maybe even explain why.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Self observation through shopping

One of my favorite things to do just about any time is to go "shopping". I put the word shopping in quotes because I rarely need anything to go shopping for, so a lot of my shopping turns out to be my aimless wondering about the store while the person I'm with is off on their own shopping mission.

This evening I went out with my sister-in-law Liz while she went out to try and get her Easter shopping done. I went with, because plain and simple, I've gotten used to getting out of the house two days a week, and since this week is spring break, I'm bordering on going stir crazy. Because I had no point other than getting out, I was left to wonder the store while Liz tried to figure out something to put in her kids baskets, and maybe toss out random ideas if I ran across something that screamed one of her kids to me.

While I spent almost forty dollars, most of it was on other people. This is what I love about "shopping". You can wonder about when you have nothing in mind, and often you will find some really good deals on things that are normally staggeringly priced.

Tonight I happened to find a Barenaked Ladies CD that normally sells for about $15, depending on where you get it, for $1. Buried in the mess of cds/dvds in the Dollar Tree were several copies of this cd. Why or how it made its way there, I don't know, but I gladly snapped it up.

Surfing the isles of the Borders while Liz wondered about Toy's R Us yielded more goodies. After I had satisfied my Manga habit with two new volumes, I happened to find a gift for someone for next Christmas. I'm the type to gift shop all year long, I just have to work better on remembering where I hide things in the meantime though.

The only minuses I can come up with over the whole thing is that I might have spent more money that I really should have. I think I did fairly well on tonight trip. Three of the things were gifts(how I wish I could open the cd I got Linus for his B-day now....what? I'm allowed to like Imagination Movers too), three were only $1(a weak reasoning yes, but still) and as for the Manga, everyone needs a treat now and then. I choose to ignore my mothers voice in my head asking what about the bathing suit she just ordered for me. I claim necessity there.

Now, if I could just turn off the OC part of my personality and tell myself that I don't haaave to make gifts match. Harder said than done, but hey, I did get Linus a cd while I got Tre a book and the rest coloring sets, so halfway there I suppose.